Educational Resources and Workshops in Blaine County, Idaho

Are you looking for educational resources or workshops in Blaine County, Idaho? The University of Idaho Extension offers a wide range of activities to help Idaho citizens improve their health and develop essential life skills. Blaine and Kim Baker, co-owners of Bakerlads Farms in Lenawee County, are also promoting environmental protection in the Lenawee farming community. Their farm focuses on soil and water conservation in its dairy and farming operations, which include a dairy herd of 540 Holsteins and 607 replacement herds, as well as an area for corn kernels, corn silage, soybeans and alfalfa. Additionally, Bakerlads Farms are verified in the Michigan Agricultural Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP) livestock, farming and cropping systems. The University of Idaho Extension provides undergraduate, postgraduate, professional and continuing education through face-to-face and technological teaching.

They also offer information about Idaho's regulations for the sale of homemade products (BUL 100) just in time for the farmers' market season. With all these resources available to you, you can be sure to find the educational resources or workshops you need in Blaine County, Idaho. The University of Idaho Extension offers a variety of hands-on activities to help Idaho citizens improve their health and develop important life skills. From undergraduate to postgraduate courses, professional development programs to continuing education opportunities, they have something for everyone. Additionally, they provide information about Idaho's regulations for the sale of homemade products (BUL 100) just in time for the farmers' market season.

Blaine and Kim Baker are also promoting environmental protection in the Lenawee farming community through their farm's focus on soil and water conservation. At Bakerlads Farms, they have a dairy herd of 540 Holsteins and 607 replacement herds, as well as an area for corn kernels, corn silage, soybeans and alfalfa. They are verified in the Michigan Agricultural Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP) livestock, farming and cropping systems. With all these resources available to you, you can be sure to find the educational resources or workshops you need in Blaine County, Idaho.