Fighting Hunger in Blaine County, Idaho: The Coalition Against Hunger's Ongoing Projects and Campaigns

The Coalition Against Hunger is a non-profit organization that is devoted to fighting hunger in Blaine County, Idaho. With the area's limited housing supply and the pandemic migration that has taken hold of the region, rents have skyrocketed in the past two years, leaving lower-income workers living in trucks, trailers or tents. This has caused food bank demand to increase from 200 families per week to nearly 500, and the number continues to rise. The Coalition Against Hunger is currently focusing on funding its ongoing activities and will not officially begin raising funds for its new facility until spring.

However, it is worth considering how much food for the hungry could have been bought with the money spent on the building and the red tape involved in its construction. One recent afternoon, people went to a regional food bank in Bellevue, Idaho, to order boxes of food from a warehouse filled with cereals, fresh produce and Idaho potatoes. This is just one example of the ongoing projects and campaigns that the Coalition Against Hunger is running in Blaine County. The organization is also working hard to raise awareness about hunger in the area and to provide resources for those in need.

They are actively engaging with local businesses and organizations to create partnerships that will help them reach more people. Additionally, they are collaborating with local schools to provide meals for students who may not have access to them otherwise. The Coalition Against Hunger is committed to providing resources and support for those struggling with hunger in Blaine County. Through their ongoing projects and campaigns, they are helping to ensure that everyone has access to nutritious food and a safe place to live.